Pink RGB color code = #FFC0CB= 255*65536+192*256+203 = (255,192,203)
RED=255, GREEN=192, BLUE=203
Color | HTML / CSS Color Name |
Hex Code #RRGGBB |
Decimal Code (R,G,B) |
pink | #FFC0CB | rgb(255,192,203) | |
lightpink | #FFB6C1 | rgb(255,182,193) | |
hotpink | #FF69B4 | rgb(255,105,180) | |
deeppink | #FF1493 | rgb(255,20,147) | |
palevioletred | #DB7093 | rgb(219,112,147) | |
mediumvioletred | #C71585 | rgb(199,21,133) |
The standard pink hex color code is #FFC0CB. It captures a soft, pale red hue that often symbolizes romance, gentleness, and femininity.