Cyan Hex/RGB color code = #00FFFF = 0*65536+255*256+255 = (0,255,255)
RED=0, GREEN=255, BLUE=255
Color | HTML / CSS Color Name |
Hex Code #RRGGBB |
Decimal Code (R,G,B) |
lightcyan | #E0FFFF | rgb(224,255,255) | |
cyan | #00FFFF | rgb(0,255,255) | |
aqua | #00FFFF | rgb(0,255,255) | |
aquamarine | #7FFFD4 | rgb(127,255,212) | |
mediumaquamarine | #66CDAA | rgb(102,205,170) | |
paleturquoise | #AFEEEE | rgb(175,238,238) | |
turquoise | #40E0D0 | rgb(64,224,208) | |
mediumturquoise | #48D1CC | rgb(72,209,204) | |
darkturquoise | #00CED1 | rgb(0,206,209) | |
lightseagreen | #20B2AA | rgb(32,178,170) | |
cadetblue | #5F9EA0 | rgb(95,158,160) | |
darkcyan | #008B8B | rgb(0,139,139) | |
teal | #008080 | rgb(0,128,128) |
The standard cyan hex color code is #00FFFF. Cyan is a bright, luminous shade that lies between blue and green on the color spectrum, often associated with clear waters and digital technology.