Pounds to Stones conversion

Convert given pounds into stones with this online, accurate and instant converter. A pound is denoted by lb the short form of its Roman name Libra while a stone is denoted by st. One stone is equal to 14 lbs and an lb makes 0.0714286 stones.


Enter the weight (mass) in pounds (lbs) and press the Convert button:

: st

How to convert Pounds to Stones

1 pound (lb) is equal to 0.0714286 stones (st).

1 lb = 0.0714286 st

The mass m in stones (st) is equal to the mass m in pounds (lb) divided by 14:

m(st) = m(lb) / 14


Convert 5 lb to stones:

m(st) = 5 lb / 14 = 0.357 st

Pounds to Stones conversion table

Pounds (lb) Stones (st)
0 lb 0 st
0.1 lb 0.00714 st
1 lb 0.0714 st
2 lb 0.1429 st
3 lb 0.2143 st
4 lb 0.2857 st
5 lb 0.3571 st
6 lb 0.4286 st
7 lb 0.5000 st
8 lb 0.5714 st
9 lb 0.6429 st
10 lb 0.7143 st
20 lb 1.4286 st
30 lb 2.1429 st
40 lb 2.8571 st
50 lb 3.5714 st
60 lb 4.2857 st
70 lb 5.0000 st
80 lb 5.7143 st
90 lb 6.4286 st
100 lb 7.1429 st
1000 lb 71.4286 st

Working Formula & Use

This convertor formulation is based on a simple division. It divides the given lbs by 14 as the one stone weighs 14 pounds/lbs.


Convertor usage is the same as you use in other online converters. You just write a number of lbs and press convert to get an answer to conversion. 

How many pounds is a stone UK?

The stone (st) is a unit of measure equal to 14 pounds (lb) avoirdupois, or 6.3503 kilograms (kg).

See also

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