Meters & feet are the two most used units for the measurement of length & distance. You often have to convert meters into feet for different purposes. But for this conversion, you have to perform a manual mathematical calculation. If you are tired of those mathematical calculations and wanna convert meters into feet instantly then we have this online tool specially designed for this conversion. You can easily convert meters into feet with extreme fidelity and completely free of cost.
So put the meters (m) and click convert to get these meters converted into feet.
1 meter is equal to 3.280839895 feet:
1m = 100cm/(2.54cm/in)/(12in/ft) = 3.280839895ft
The distance d in feet (ft) is equal to the distance d in meters (cm) times 3.280839895:
d(ft) = d(m) × 3.280839895
Convert 20 m to feet:
d(ft) = 20m × 3.280839895 = 65.6167979ft
One meter is equal to 3.280839895 feet:
1m = 1m × 3.280839895ft/m = 3.280839895ft
One foot is equal to 0.3048 meters:
1ft = 0.3048m/ft × 1ft = 0.3048m
Multiply 10 meters by 0.3048 to get feet:
10m = 10m / 0.3048m/ft = 3.048ft
Meters (m) | Feet (ft) |
0.01 m | 0.0328084 ft |
0.1 m | 0.328084 ft |
1 m | 3.28084 ft |
2 m | 6.56168 ft |
3 m | 9.84252 ft |
4 m | 13.12336 ft |
5 m | 16.40420 ft |
6 m | 19.68504 ft |
7 m | 22.96588 ft |
8 m | 26.24672 ft |
9 m | 29.52756 ft |
10 m | 32.80840 ft |
20 m | 65.61680 ft |
30 m | 98.42520 ft |
40 m | 131.23360 ft |
50 m | 164.04200 ft |
60 m | 196.85039 ft |
70 m | 229.65879 ft |
80 m | 262.46719 ft |
90 m | 295.27559 ft |
100 m | 328.08399 ft |
Meter is the standard unit of length in the International System of Units. It is a globally used unit of length and an official length measurement standard. While foot (English Foot) is the unit of length used traditionally for various measurements in the British Imperial system and US customary system. If you have a measurement in meters and are willing to change it into feet then this page might prove very assistive to you.
This page has a fast speed meters-to-feet converter for the users where they can instantly change any given value of length from meters to feet. This online meters-to-feet converter ensures extreme fidelity and provides error-free results.
This online converter uses the multiplication rule. It multiplies the given meters by 3.280839895 as 1 meter is equal to 3.280839895 feet.
d(ft) = d(m) × 3.280839895
Meter is equivalent to 3.280839895 feet.Â
Yes, this is completely free to use and you can make unlimited length-conversions.